● Dedication to the Wild
Now for Wildlife advocates for a singular essential in effective conservation: firsthand experience. That's why we immerse ourselves in remote landscapes for extended periods.
Journey of Discovery

Now for Wildlife, founded by Luciano Foglia (ARG) and Caroline Parton (UK), started as a journey to explore what's beyond human culture en route to Mongolia but turned into a profound appreciation for the natural world. Our lives took a different course, embracing an adventurous lifestyle as we traveled from Europe to Central Asia in a 90s ambulance turned off-grid home and studio.

Initially aiming for Mongolia, we found ourselves in Kazakhstan as Covid emerged. With borders closing, we headed to Kyrgyzstan, exploring the Tien-Shan mountains deeply. Despite uncertainties, we discovered the generosity, circular living, and community importance of the nomadic people in this high-altitude, sparsely populated land. Our time here highlighted the clear distinction between untouched wild nature and the human context, shaping our perspective.

The Snow Leopard: A Transformative Encounter

One day, while driving to the border of China high up in the Tien-Shan mountains, we experienced the unimaginable. A snow leopard, unmistakable with its distinctly long tail, suddenly jumped out into the road in front of us. About 30 meters away, it crossed, and headed up the mountains to our right. At a certain point it stopped, and to our amazement, turned around and stared right at us. We were completely transfixed with emotion; it was incredible to be able to see this beautiful, elusive ‘ghost of the mountains’.

Seeing this mythic creature has been an extremely moving experience for us. Since then, this encounter has fueled our passion for wildlife conservation, becoming the catalyst for all that Now for Wildlife stands for. The significance of this moment is reflected in our logo—a homage to the incredible and rare encounter we experienced, a symbol that has guided our journey and mission.
The newspaper article features an interview published in La Nacion, a reputable media outlet in Argentina. Conducted exclusively by Franco Spinetta, it was originally published on September 13, 2023. The downloadable PDF is an English translation, approved by the author.